Want to join our team? The 1854 Treaty Authority's Resource Management Division is hiring three Biological Aides: an Invasive Species position and two Wild Rice positions. Lead surveillance activities for newly established aquatic invasive species on one of the 1854 Ceded Territory’s 2,540 lakes, or contribute to monitoring the abundance of manoomin on lakes, rivers and restoration sites. Beef up your resume with an enormous amount of experience with our biology management and research programs! Applications are due Friday May 18th.
1854 Treaty Authority News
Grand Portage and Bois Forte band members are not required to obtain a Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness (BWCAW) permit to access the Wilderness. The Superior National Forest’s policy for enrolled band members is to allow access to the BWCAW with a band membership card or 1854 ID card. Other BWCAW rules are to be followed.
Access to the BWCAW without a permit has recently been expanded to include immediate family when accompanying an enrolled band member. Immediate family is defined as a spouse and those of lineal decent, including children and grandchildren. Any other members of the party who are not band members nor immediate family are required to have a BWCAW permit.
It is hard for an individual to tackle the concept of climate change, and even more so, what one can do about such a large-scale issue. One result of global climate change is regional drought. Here's your chance to make a small impact in restoring the balance: capture rain water and prevent erosion in urban environments by reducing storm water runoff...with your new rain barrel.
We again have rain barrels, for any Bois Forte and Grand Portage band members: FREE! Like previous years, one rain barrel per person, and it is first come-first served. We have 20 rain barrels available for pick-up at the 1854 Treaty Authority Duluth-office. To reserve yours, contact:
Tyler Kaspar, Environmental Biologist
or call the general office number: 218-722-8907
1854 will be hosting a 4-part archery clinic with the Vermilion Youth Center, starting Wednesday April 18th. Participants must be at least 10 years old, and have a signed authorization/release (permission) form - you can download it here, or pick one up at the Center. Read the informational letter, and check out the program flyer below for more information.
Want to join our team? The 1854 Treaty Authority's Resource Management Division is hiring a Fish and Wildlife Aide. Have the time of your life on an electrofishing boat, enjoy every day outdoors conducting surveys, and beef up your resume with an enormous amount of experience with our biology management and research programs! Applications are due Wednesday April 11th.
The American Indian Studies Department is introducing a new Master of Tribal Resource and Environmental Stewardship program.
It was approved by the University of Minnesota Board of Regents at its February 2018 meeting.
The Master of Tribal Resource and Environmental Stewardship (MTRES) program will be offered primarily online at the beginning of the 2018-19 school year.
“Indian people have a unique, vested interest in the stewardship of natural resources,” explains Profesor Tadd Johnson, the American Indian Studies director of Graduate Studies. “In this new program, students will get an overview of the environment from an indigenous perspective so that they can sustain tribal lands and water for future generations.”
The MTRES curriculum is rooted in the interrelationship between biological, physical and cultural systems as well as environmental policy. “Graduates will be able to provide vigilant oversight of land, air and water, while advocating for indigenous rights,” says Johnson. Courses include principles of tribal sovereignty, integrated ecosystems stewardship and tribal natural resource economics.
The program is the culmination of collaboration between UMD’s College of Liberal Arts, Swenson College of Science and Engineering, and the College of Education and Human Service Professions, and three years of consultations with regional tribes. “We vetted the ideas with tribal natural resource managers to see what they need to run their departments,” says Johnson. “MTRES is a program designed by Indian tribes for Indian tribes.”
Johnson says the new program is now accepting up to twenty students for the fall of 2018. More information can be found at www.umdmtres.org.
The Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), Office of Trust Services (OTS), is continually seeking scientists and technicians in STEM (science, technical, engineering, mathematics)-related disciplines to protect, conserve, utilize, and manage Indian forest and agricultural lands and resources. They are recruiting for several Internship positions working across various Agriculture and Rangeland Management or Forestry and Wildland Fire Management Programs. Students will receive unique opportunities to raise their awareness of traditional ecological knowledge education and land-management practices in use today by Tribes nation-wide.
*Student Trainee Forestry Position
*Student Trainee Fire Position
All Intern job vacancies announcements are posted to USAJOBS and can be found at https://www.usajobs.gov/…/wor…/unique-hiring-paths/students/

Students must be accepted or enrolled full-time in an accredited college or university and seeking a bachelor’s degree directly related to the position (specified in the announcement) to qualify for the following grade levels:
· GS-2 grade level: Completion of high school or GED diploma
· GS-3 grade level: Completion of 1 academic year of post-high school study
· GS-4 grade level: Completion of 2 academic years of post-high school study or associates degree
· Be at least 18 years of age
· Show they are enrolled in a Federally Recognized Tribe using Form BIA 4432.
· Must be enrolled full-time or accepted for enrollment full-time in an accredited institution
· Seeking a Bachelor's degree specifically related to the position
· Good academic standing (cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher)
· Complete the 640-hour service requirement
· Must maintain a security clearance
· Sign and maintain a Participant Agreement
· Some positions may also require a medical exam, drug testing, and a valid driver license and specific education certification or degree requirements
The 1854 Treaty Authority Duluth-offices will be closed Monday February 19th in honor of the President's Day holiday. We will return to regular business hours, from 8am-4:30pm, on Tuesday, February 20th.
Want to join our team? 1854's Education/Outreach Division is hiring a seasonal employee to assist in programming during the summer of 2018.
The Cultural Preservation Aide will be responsible for assisting in a week-long natural resource management recruitment camp for high school aged youth, developing curriculum and teaching of harvest education programs (ie, fishing, wild ricing), and designing a printed material or video media to enhance the understanding of Ojibwe treaty rights and culturally significant resources. See the Vacancy announcement.
Applications are due Friday, March 16th.
1854 will be hosting a 4-part archery clinic with the Nett Lake Youth Center, starting Thursday March 1st. Participants must be at least 10 years old, and have a signed authorization/release (permission) form - you can download it here, or pick one up at the Center. Read the informational letter, and check out the program flyer below for more information.
Is your school class or civic group looking for a speaker for an upcoming public event? 1854 Treaty Authority is now booking outreach presentations!
It's that time of year...when the thermometers drop below zero, and our biologists are busily crunching numbers from all the data they've collected last year. 1854's resource management staff have been pumping out reports of all kinds, from the monitoring efforts of fish habitat in the St. Louis River Estuary, to surveys for larval sturgeon, water quality on various lakes, small mammals, big game and furbearer harvest, moose foraging, and wolves in and around Duluth.
If it's too cold for you to put a line out, how about curling up by the fire with a good... report??
St. Louis River Estuary Bottom Trawling Survey Summary Report 2017
Larval Lake Sturgeon Survey 2017
2017 St. Louis River Wild Rice Monitoring Report
2017 Small Mammal Survey Report
The 1854 Treaty Authority Duluth-office will be closed mid-day, Wednesday January 31st for the 2018 Annual Meeting. Staff will return to open the office from 2pm through the end of the day, and we will return to normal business hours on Thursday February 1st, from 8am-4:30pm. As always, if you need something give us a call before stopping in!
The Grand Portage Band of Lake Superior Chippewa (“the Band”) formally submitted water quality standards (“WQS”) for final action to the US Environmental Protection Agency (“US EPA”) in April, 2017. The US EPA approved the majority of the WQS in September; however the bacteria criteria were not approved due to inconsistencies in the time period for determining the geometric mean and statistical threshold value.
The Band has corrected the inconsistency in the criteria and intends to resubmit them to US EPA for final action. Under the Band’s Water Resources Ordinance and applicable federal regulations, the Band is required to give public notice of these changes and provide an opportunity for interested parties to comment on them.
See the public notice for Grand Portage Reservation’s corrected bacteria criteria.
The 1854 Treaty Authority hosts First Foods, a continuing education/public outreach winter series at our Duluth-office. The intent of this program is to educate the public on traditional and treaty reserved food staples, raising environmental awareness and encouraging the stewardship responsibilities of all who live in the Arrowhead region - a value in-line with cultural beliefs.
To increase awareness of traditionally harvested resources, of ecological and cultural significance, we are bringing in some of our partners in education to discuss nutrition, research on diet and health, and traditional ecological knowledge, preparation and storage. Workshops on wild fruits, local fish and a food sovereignty project will provide the platform for collaborators and participants to share their knowledge.
Join us as we kick off the first of three workshops, on Tuesday March 13th, at 6pm. (Due to weather, this program was rescheduled from Tuesday February 20th.) Fond du Lac's 13 Moons program coordinator Nikki Crowe will share information on wild fruits and jams, including some ethnobotany with research on diet and diabetes and the importance of knowing how we used plants in the past. These programs are FREE, but space is limited! Register online HERE, or through the QuickLinks on the 1854 Treaty Authority website homepage.
Educators: we can sign off on CEU's to fulfill cultural integration criteria for classroom curriculum. Just ask!
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact Cultural Preservation Specialist, Marne Kaeske:
The 1854 Treaty Authority Duluth-office will be closed Monday January 15th in observance of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day. We will return to normal business hours on Tuesday January 16th, from 8am-4:30pm. Stay warm out there!
1854’s biologists are tasked with preserving the populations of culturally significant species within the 1854 Ceded Territory, which also means keeping the balance of high quality habitat for those species to thrive. The work of our invasive species staff includes monitoring and research of bakaan ingoji ga-ondaadag (non-local/invasive beings), controlling them to maintain a balance, and bring awareness to the public about their presence and capabilities.
From time to time we get questions like “I think there are invasive plants on my property. What is the best way to get rid of them?” For those individuals that are moved to be active stewards for their time on turtle island, we hear you. There ARE things you can do it your backyard - like controlling common and glossy buckthorn, right now, during the winter!
Our invasive species crew has put together some great resources on “successful buckthorn removal for beginners”, which include options for that fit your values, infestation and pocketbook. Check out the materials below, and miigwech for protecting the 1854 ceded lands for future generations.
What YOU Can Do: Buckthorn Brochure
Identifying Invasive Buckthorn & Honeysuckle, and their Native Plant Look-a-likes in NE Minnesota
The 1854 Treaty Authority Duluth-office has closed at noon today, Wednesday December 27th, due to furnace issues. We will re-open tomorrow Thursday December 28th at 8am. We are sorry for any inconvenience it causes you!
We will be closed Monday January 1st for the New Years Day holiday.
1854 Treaty Authority's Biboon (winter) newsletter is HOT OFF THE PRESS (...or fresh in your e-mail IN box). It features an update on notification of unattended lines while ice fishing - Band members can notify us in an online form. Don't miss our seasonal reminders - we want everyone to be safe and informed while out harvesting this season. Check out some of the public lands in the southern end of the 1854 Ceded Territory that we're working to improve habitat on, review the evergreen mitigoog (trees) of the northwoods, and get a sneak peek at our Duluth winter program series.
If you haven't already, pick up a copy of our publication The Right to Hunt and Fish Therein; Understanding Chippewa Treaty Rights in Minnesota's 1854 Ceded Territory. As always, if you have any questions don't hesitate to give us a call!
On Saturday, 1854's Enforcement and Education staff certified three (3) new hunters in a firearm safety field day in Isabella, Minnesota. Tribal youth from both Bois Forte and Grand Portage exhibited the three rules of safe hunting: