News Blog

Newly Published Coloring Storybook

1854 is pleased to announce the “Iskigamizigedaa!”, a maple sugaring coloring storybook. With cultural guidance and support, the Ed/Outreach division has developed an educational tool which focuses on contemporary and historical practices of maple sugaring. Grandchildren-grandparent character conversations convey traditional teachings, the proper timing to begin and end harvest, the equipment used, how to process maple sugar, and how the Anishinaabeg use maple sugar.

Chi miigwech to cultural author, Erik Redix, and illustrator/artist, Wesley Ballinger, for sharing their knowledge and creative skills from project development through publication!

Swing by our outreach table when you see 1854 at events this winter and spring, and get a copy for your family! It is available on 1854's website also: Iskigamizigedaa!

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