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1854 Treaty Authority News

News and information from 1854 Treaty Authority

1854 News, ZIIGWAN 2023

1854 Treaty Authority's Ziigwan (spring) newsletter is now available. 

With netting season around the corner, and the 2023 fishing opener approved (May 13th), we address the issue of safe fish consumption - we stay on top of monitoring and communicating that information out to treaty harvesters. As Federal trust responsibility includes the oversight of industrial pollution clean up, a draft assessment plan for environmental “damages” at the U.S. Steel site on the St. Louis River is available and open for public comment.

The Spring news includes an update on the 2023 moose survey, and overview of Resource Management monitoring/management projects, with links to complete 2022 reports. Stay tuned as LIVE raptor and ATV safety training events take shape!

As always, if you have any questions don't hesitate to give us a call: 218-722-8907


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2023 Education/Outreach Seasonal Vacancy

1854 Treaty Authority's Education and Outreach Division is hiring a seasonal Aide. Application materials (including application for employment) are due April 11th, 2023.


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Apply now: Niizhoo-gwayakochigewin Summer Internships

Niizhoo-gwayakochigewin summer internship applications are open!

Students enrolled in Bemidji State University, Leech Lake Tribal College, Red Lake Nation College, White Earth Tribal and Community College, Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College, or Itasca Community College are eligible to apply.

This opportunity gives students a $5,000 budget for work hours, travel and any other required expenses to work with an Indigenous person, an Indigenous organization, and/or in an Indigenous community. Up to five interns will be selected.  Applications are due on March 31st.

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RMD Climate Specialist Vacancy

1854's Resource Management Division is hiring a Climate Specialist. This is a regular, full-time position that is Federal grade 7-9 equivalent. Application materials (including application for employment) are due March 24th, 2023. 

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Jobs, Jobs, Jobs

1854 Treaty Authority and many partner organizations are currently filling vacancies in natural resource management!

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Seeking Public Comment: U.S. Steel site Draft Assessment Plan

Cleanup of hazardous substances is ongoing at the U.S. Steel site on the St. Louis River in Duluth, and is expected to be completed in 2023. Natural resource trustees (tribal, federal, state agencies) work to determine what additional restoration projects are needed after site cleanup is done. A draft assessment plan describes the approach to determine injuries to natural resources and associated damages. The assessment plan is now available for public comment, with comments due March 23rd to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife webpage has more information including an overview (below) and informational document .

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SNF Hires 2023 Seasonal Archeology Aides

May through August 2023. Offered in partnership with the Student Conservation Association (SCA). Benefits include housing, travel allowance, living stipend, and education award through AmeriCorps. Please contact Lee Johnson, SNF Heritage Program Manager, with additional questions: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 218-626-4321.

Tofte posting

Ely posting

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2023 RMD Summer Seasonal Vacancies

1854's Resource Management Division is hiring for four (4) seasonal positions; two (2) Invasive Species Aides and two (2) Fish and Wildlife Aides. Application materials (including application for employment) are due March 1st, 2023. 


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2023 NAFWS National Summer Youth Practicum - ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS

The Native American Fish and Wildlife Society is now accepting applications for the 2023 National Youth Practicum. It will be held July 14th through July 22nd, 2023, at the Colorado State University Mountain Campus. Applications are due May 5th, 2023 at 10pm (MST). Download a FILLABLE APPLICATION


For more information, please follow this LINK.

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Native American Fish and Wildlife Society Vacancies

Learn more at

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1854 News, BIBOON 2022-2023

1854 Treaty Authority's Biboon (winter) newsletter is now available. It features 'Strengthening Climate Resilience' as we dive into revising our climate change plan over the next 2 years. You're not alone if you are considering a long winters nap -  many of our four-legged relatives tuck away in hibernation or torpor. Get the skinny on elk reintroduction, and take in all the efforts that have been made in protection of Big Rice Lake over the years. Check out all the fun things that the Education.Outreach Division got involved in before the snow flew.

As always, if you have any questions don't hesitate to give us a call: 218-722-8907


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2023 Native Youth Climate Adaptation Leadership Congress

Please help spread the word:


The 2023 Native Youth Climate Adaptation Leadership Congress (NYCALC) will be held June 25-30th, 2023. This amazing opportunity is available only to High School age Tribal students. All travel and expenses PAID.



Read the Press Release

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American Indian Student Interpretive Ranger Program, Summer 2023, Wyoming

Interpretive Ranger Program overview

Student Mentor Position

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Best of Luck Deer Hunters

We are less than T-2 days away from the deer opener here in the 1854. Staff at the Authority wish all our treaty hunters the best of luck. Please take a spin through the following reminder DO's and DON'Ts as you get ready to take to the field...


  1. Carry 1854 ID (or tribal ID) and 1854 permit/carcass tags while in the field hunting
  2. Affix deer tag to deer before processing and before being loaded into a motor vehicle
  3. Wear blaze orange/blaze pink while hunting
  4. Register deer before the 3rd working day after the season closes and before processing
  5. Be safe; know what you are shooting at and what is behind your target
  6. HAVE FUN!


  1. Loan or give deer tags to non-band members or band members without a valid deer license or remaining carcass tags
  2. Shoot on/across/down or within the right or way of an improved roadway
  3. Shone or hunt after/before hunting hours (1/2 hour before sunrise and 1/2 hour after sunset)
  4. Hunt private property without owner's permission
  5. Forget safety rules: tell someone where you are huntint and when to expect you back; stay hydrated, and wear proper clothing
  6. Not have fun!

**DON'T FORGET: Any Bois Forte or Grand Portage enrollee under the age of 18 years years that participates in ANY 1854 treaty deer hunt (early or regular) will automatically be entered for a chance to win a RIVERS EDGE RE665 TWOPLEX 2-PERSON LADDER STAND! The drawing will take place after the close of the 2022 deer season, and the winner contacted shortly thereafter.

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Area USFS Vacancies

Visitor Service Information Assistant (multiple locations)

Administrative Support Assistant, Tofte, MN (closes 11/4/2022)

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Whitefish Netting Season

It's Whitefish Netting season!

See page #52 in the 1854 Conservation Code for Whitefish Netting regulations.

Which lakes are open:

2022 Whitefish Netting Season, posting #1

2022 Whitefish Netting Season, posting #2

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Waterway Benefits Survey

Please take the Waterway Benefits Survey!

Receive a $10 debit cash card for participating in a 2-minunte survey about your experiences with local lakes, river, and streams.

The confidential survey will ask you about:

  • Your experiences with local rivers, streams, and lakes
  • Barriers you face in being able to enjoy the water
  • Your demographics

This survey is part of a UMD doctoral research project that will help environmental managers understand how the community benefits from local lakes, rivers, and streams and help make benefits more accessible to everyone. 

Learn more and take the survey:

Online or paper survey available. Questions? E-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   UMN IRB #13475, FDL IRB #102

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Conservation Officer of the Year

Chief Conservation Officer, Clay Rumph, was awarded 2022 Conservation Officer of the Year at the annual Native American Fish and Wildlife Society's Great Lakes Region conference held in Lac Court Orielles, Sept. 18-23rd, 2022. Ho-wa! Congrats Clay, you are truly an inspriation to your fellow officers in the area.

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Fall Harvest Camp for Youth

Check out the CAMPGROUND here! 


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ATTENTION HUNTERS: Frustrating Road Closures

ATTENTION HUNTERS – with hunting seasons upon us, we wanted to remind folks to be safe and be aware of road conditions and closures. Heavy rains this spring and summer have washed out some roads and bridges in the 1854 Ceded Territory. Major forest road closures include Heffelfinger Rd just west of Finland, Beaver River Road between County Rd 15 and Heffelfinger Rd, East General Grade off of Hwy 1 north of Finland, and Esther Lake Rd between the Arrowhead Trail and Tom Lake Rd in Cook County.


Additional information on road conditions can be found in a few places: 

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